2014 Comrades Marathon, Favourites, Races

The Comrades Marathon (89.28km) 1 June 2014

I realised today that you can only have the best race of your life when you have run your very worst on the same course. To truly know that the feeling of being on top of the world can only come when you have also seen the absolute bottom, to have touched the limits of of your physical and emotional strength, and nearly failed.

Every time you put yourself on the Comrades route it teaches you a hard lesson that you never see coming. In 2011, the race broke me because I didn’t respect it. Today I approached it as a partnership between myself and the road. I wasn’t there to conquer, I was out to negotiate.

I had an amazing race today because I changed my attitude. I went in with the knowledge that I was going to embrace the pain and the dark places. I allowed myself to feel it all and not fight any of it, I self-talked my way positively through the entire thing and I loved every second. That was the hard lesson from 2011 and it’s taken me a further three years of ultra distance running to master it.

This is my race report.

I arrived at the start early enough to walk to the front of my D seeding pen, no rush, no panic, just a quiet wait. I’d dropped off a tog bag, visited the porta-loo and was in my pen by 4:15am. Being late is every runner’s worst nightmare because you have to start at the back. I saw two A guys pass me 10km into the race because they had to begin their race at the back of H. When you run a sub 3 hour marathon and you have to push past 15,000 people to get to where you should be, your race is already over. As I was sitting on the road watching the clock on Pietermaritzburg Town Hall, wrapped in my old clothes and bin bags (it’s pretty cold at 4am) a guy came and sat next to me. He had absolutely nothing to keep him warm so I gave him one of my bags, my first Comrade.

The night before I’d written a race plan, which also doubled as a letter to myself. In it I broke the race into 10km portions and listed the key landmarks, hills and tortuous descents. I told myself how to focus, what my run walk strategy was and what I was absolutely not going to do (leg it down Pollys, Ingchanga and Fields Hill). I worked in the predicted temperatures to just accept what I couldn’t change (29˚ highs). I added a note to remind me of everyone with me and tracking me at home and most importantly I told myself to dig deep and push on the final kilometres, that no matter what, there is always something left in the tank.

I took that letter with me to the start and I read it two or three times sitting there in the dark, it definitely calmed me down and reminded me I had a plan and that I was going to reach my goal of sub 10 hours.

As the pens closed and the crowds moved forward to the start line, the national anthem began followed by Shosholoza. Chariots of fire played, the cock crowed and the cannon started the race. 5:30am and we were away.

It’s very easy to panic in these first moments. Firstly you don’t want to trip on an obstacle (kerb, discarded clothing, a water bottle, another runner) as the crowd surges forward. Secondly you want to cross the line in good time. I passed the timing mat at 1:44, other friends behind me said they had to wait 15 minutes to cross the start. The Comrades Marathon, like most races in South Africa, is gun to gun, which means if you start at the back you have less time to the 12 hour cut off. If you allow panic to creep in here and try and make up time by racing again it’s a huge mistake.

Seeing the sun rise over the summit of Polly Shortts (the first notorious descent 8km into the race) was breathtaking. Then according to my plan, I walked downhill. I watched hundreds of runners pass me as I gritted my teeth and instructed myself not to run. I walked to my watch. One minute walking, one minute jogging to the second for two kilometres. It was by far the hardest thing I had to do in the first half and I told myself over and over to ‘save your legs for Fields Hill’ 50km later.

Shortly afterwards I ran with Colin, an older gentleman with so many badges sewn onto his vest I couldn’t see which club he ran for. ‘Is there any race that you don’t have a permanent number for?’ I asked. He gave me some advice as he was running his 27th Comrades, ‘Any idiot can run 60km’ he said, ‘but it takes a special kind of idiot to run another 30!’.

The hills in the first 30km are brutal, every sharp ascent is matched by an equally horrific descent which over extends every single muscle in your legs. When I arrived at the first marathon mark I was hurting. ‘Embrace the pain’ I told myself.  I also had to embrace the temperature because by then the tarmac was also radiating heat upwards.

I ran into Comrade No.2, Rianda somewhere around the marathon mark (an important milestone on an 89km monster run). As she turned to me with tears in her eyes, she said, ‘I don’t think I can do this, Emma’, to which I replied ‘Of course you can, why not?’. I walked her through the whole thing, told her on no account was she giving up, that she was amazing and we were just about to get to halfway (45km). ‘Look around, everyone is hurting, you can do this, I know you can’. I said to her (and myself) that the pain at this stage was normal and we just need to work through it. A friend once told me that when it gets really bad just imagine a piece of elastic attached to your chest and the other end tied to the finish, every step you take pulls you closer. That must have worked because Rianda gave me a hug at the finish line and thanked me.

I had a quick pit stop after Drummond and there was Comrade No.3. ‘Hello Emma, looking good’ says David sitting on the verge as I ran past. ‘What the f*** are you doing down there?’ I said as I ran back to him, ‘Get up!’. ‘Oh I’m just having a rest’ to which I said ‘No you aren’t, run with me’. David is our club’s racing snake, runs races every weekend and should have easily smashed a sub 8:30 today. ‘Don’t feel very well’ he said. ‘What have you eaten?’ I said, ‘Nothing’ he said. ‘For god’s sake eat a potato for me please’. That made him laugh and we ran together for a bit. I don’t think he ate the carbs though, but he did finish.

After the joy of the halfway point it all gets a bit hard. Over the next 20km I noticed I’d stopped talking to people, I barely raised my arm to acknowledge the supporters who called my name or said ‘Go lady’. Of the 15,000 runners only 4,000 are women so the crowd tends to support the girls. It gets depressing when every town has ‘hill’ in it, Bothas Hill, Hillcrest, Fields Hill, Cowies Hill. Allowing any negative thoughts in at this stage could derail my plan. So I forced every can’t into a can, 42km to go was just a number, just another marathon ‘you’ve done plenty of these of course you can run another one, do it. Go!’.

I could feel cramps pulling on my shins so I walked for 60 seconds. I asked a family for salt, and then I walked again for 60 seconds. I timed every walk by my watch, not a lamp post or road sign which can easily become 5 minutes. Walking was only permitted on steep downhills or uphill sections, I was pretty tough on myself.

I held on for 65km before I took some pain killers. Yes some people manage to run the whole thing without, but just try running down the camber of the universally hated Fields Hill with excruciating joint pain. 20km to go came and went. With 15km to go I realised I would safely come in under 10 hours unless something very bad happened. I caught the back of a sub 10 hour bus doing a huge amount of walking. Many runners were struggling to stay with it and from the back it looked like the Walking Dead. I walked up one of the hills on the highway with them, pushed to the front (there were in excess of 200 people crammed together) and ran away from them as soon as I spotted a gap . The amazing thing about the buses is the cheers they get from the crowd. One supporter yelled ‘it’s a bus, it’s a bus!’ as he pushed children and other small creatures back up onto the pavement, ‘get out of the road!’ Towards the end the buses can be 500 people strong. Literally a wall of runners with the bus driver bringing them home. They really are amazing.

Durban in sight and 10km to go. So I started asking myself what my 9 hour Comrades looked like. I visualised the finish straight in the stadium, the lights, the noise, the cheering and spectators banging on the advertising boards, but most of all I imagined the clock with a 9 on it. Now it was up to me to decide was it going to be in the 30s, 40s, 50s? ‘What do you want it to be Emma?’. At the 10km board I checked my watch, 8:28. My pea sized Comrades brain told me to go under an hour for the last 10km. I mean who does that after running 79km? Of course I went for it. On that last 10km I clocked 1:05, a herculean effort that I will never forget. I ran past people who were walking, I even ran up a hill and I sped up over the last 3km. I wanted a time in the 9:30s so badly I was able to ignore the pain and just push, it seemed there was a lot left in the tank.

Around the bend, under the stadium and I saw the grass. There is nothing like it. The roar, the feeling of invincibility. I had done it again, I had run the Comrades Marathon. I waved to people as I ran on the finishing straight. I smiled my way round the stadium and there was the clock and it had a 9 on it.


Comrade No.4 will always be Brian. A stranger, a race volunteer who told me ‘Why do you think I love working at the finish area?. He’d spotted me crying as I received my medal and gave me the biggest hug as I sobbed on his shoulder and told him I’d run the best race of my life.

Running notes
Route: Pietermaritzburg to Durban
Distance: 86.28km
Time: 9:34:47
Time started: 05:30
Time finished: 15:04:47
Height climbed: 1800m 

Average speed: 6:25 kmph
First half: 4:49
Second half: 4:45 (negative split)
First marathon: 4:30
Second marathon: 4:35
Final 10km 1:05

See my previous Comrades reports:
> Comrades Marathon 2011 (up)
> Comrades Marathon 2010 (down)


The day before the day

Seems like this week has taken a long time to get to Saturday. Tomorrow is the Comrades and it looks like we’ll have very light breezes and a 31˚ high at midday. That’s about 6˚ warmer than I was hoping for, but I’ve made the heat part of my race plan. I wrote myself a list of what to prepare for on the route last night, where the hills are, what to look for and the temperatures every 10km. I’ll read it again before bed tonight.

Went out for a 15 minute jog this morning to test that everything is functioning okay and it is. Obviously 2km isn’t much of a test but I’m not going to overdo it now. I’m also going to scale back on the breakfast this morning, just my Weetbix and toast, then I’m off to Pietermaritzburg.

If you want to track me tomorrow text my race number 49268 to 39174 (South African phones only).

I’ll endeavour to type my race report tomorrow evening, in the meantime take a look at my previous runs here:

> Comrades Marathon 2011 (up)
> Comrades Marathon 2010 (down)

I’ll see you in Durban tomorrow night.


The breakfast of champions

I’ve just stuffed myself at the guesthouse where I’m staying in Morningside, Durban. Might have to have a lay down:

6 x Weetbix, milk and sugar
1 banana
3 scrambled eggs
4 baby tomatoes
3 rashers of bacon
1 sausage
1 decorative rocket leaf
2 slices of brown toast, butter and marmalade
1 glass of salt water

Carbo loading or eating anything your eyes land on sounds like fun until you actually have to do it. Sometime in the next 10 hours I also need to eat the following:

1 dinner sized portion of pasta for lunch
1 sandwich or some other bread based thing
1 bag of crisps
2 bananas
2 glasses of salt water*
2 Energades
2 Jungle Oats bars

Yes I feel disgusting. If you aren’t full to bursting constantly for the next 48 hours then eat more. Nobody failed to finish the Comrades Marathon because they ate too much, but many people bail because they haven’t eaten anywhere close to enough. Carpenter’s Rule: See it, eat it (that means on the race too).

*Takes practice and combats muscle cramps



115,700 steps (which didn’t include the queue at the expo)

According to the board at the Comrades Expo, that is all you need to take to get to the finish line. I don’t know if that sounds easy or ridiculously hard. What I do know is that when I went to register yesterday it was an absolute dog show. I was standing in the queue so long I actually counted the people in front of me. Now at Two Oceans their system works, there are a number of mini queues according to your race number so, for example if your number is 49268 (as mine is) I get in the queue for runners 49,000-51,999. That means you might have 5 people ahead of you and you are out before you can say ’12 hour bus’. Not here, oh no. No let’s all get in one snaking queue (that will stretch out of the building and around the block by Saturday lunchtime) and wait. There were ten terminals with about 3 people fussing round each one and one of those unfortunates fetching the race number from giant stacks of boxes and then collecting the right size t-shirt. So they walk from one side, say if you were number 500, to the other if you are extra large. MOVE THE TOAST CLOSER TO THE TOASTER PEOPLE! (That’s Kaizen if you don’t know what I’m on about). I waited an hour and 10 minutes to scan my chip when the wifi went down. When the wifi reappeared my chip didn’t register, ‘please can you get in that queue over there and talk to Championchip’. The man behind me went bat-shit crazy as runners started queue jumping and I turned into an ugly thing that you see on those airport programmes on TV. ‘I WILL NOT QUEUE AGAIN OVER THERE, I JUST QUEUED FOR AN HOUR OVER HERE!’ I must have looked like I meant it because the lady took my shoe (with my chip attached) and went over there herself. After 5 minutes I started to panic I might not see my shoe again, when she started waving at me to join her. Now apparently it is scanning, but my details weren’t coming up, so who knows if I’ll even get a time on the race. Panic building, I calmed myself by dropping a thousand bucks on Comrades souvenirs (beach towel, hooded top and a present for my sister) before I get sucked in by the man selling Gu and spend more money at random sock stalls.


When I do finally make it home I sneak a peak at my Comrades t-shirt. Not only is it bright pink, but they gave me a ladies medium, when I asked for a men’s medium (I only ever run in men’s t-shirts), this thing won’t even reach my belly button let alone stretch over my chest. Stopping the traffic on Kloof Nek Road as I jiggle to the top is, not what anyone needs to see. Ever. With the tears building, I drive back to the expo to ask if they will change it. They will not (I knew this when I got in the car). The tired manager-lady told me they were surprised when they opened the boxes in the morning and discovered ladies t-shirts and that she was very sorry. Every bloody year unisex t-shirts and they bloody changed it. Now I have a pink rag that is only good for cleaning the kitchen.

My sister said that if this is the only thing that goes wrong on Comrades weekend I should be pleased. She’s right, and a good cry definitely released some tension. Today I will pin my numbers onto my AAC vest and I will lay out my stuff and I will forget about the offending pink article and I will eat my carbs and I will have a good day.



PT Session No.24

Last one today. Feeling a bit sad about it, Justin gave me a pep talk. No weights, no exertion, a bit of work on the foam roller followed by 30 minutes of assisted stretching. Dream session. Packing tonight, Durban tomorrow.

Training notes:
360 training


Control the controllables

I’m reading this awesome book on ultra endurance psychology at the moment. With a week to go to the big day, there are quite a few nuggets in there that are definitely helping me focus and prepare. ‘Controlling the controllables’ is a good one. For instance, the weather on race day is outside of my control, but the way I approach it is not. I can control my mood and my own positive reinforcement (self talk) during the hours out on the road. For me the Comrades Marathon is 50% training and 100% mental strength. One of my rules on ultras is that I will never ever admit to having a bad day whilst I am out on the course, I might say it afterwards, but when I am out there I tell myself I am ‘looking good’ whatever happens. Once doesn’t help, a hundred times generally does the trick.

Running notes:
Distance: 2.5km
Route: Gym


5km Park Run

I checked this blog for my training notes in the last week prior to the race in 2011 and I see that I didn’t run for 10 days before the race. I ran this morning and I’m also planning a short run tomorrow which means I will only have 6 clear days before the start. I was intending to do a short run on Wednesday and a 15 minute leg stretch on Saturday, but I think I’m going to ditch the Wednesday run. It was damp and misty this morning in Green Point at the Park Run but there was a good size crowd and I’m hoping to run this for a few Saturdays post race. The site sent me a congratulatory email on my first Park Run and recorded my slow 29 minute 5km as a PB 🙂

Running notes:
Route: Green Point Athletics Stadium – Somerset Road – Green Point Park – Green Point Athletics Stadium
Distance: 5km


First run in 5 days, that’s the longest break I’ve had in 6 months

I started my training in December and during this period, the most time I’ve taken ‘off’ is two days. Tapering like this is hard especially as you can feel the weight gain and the heavy legs at the start of the short runs you are doing. Finally after 3 weeks of slowing down, the legs felt great this morning, I bounced up the hills and they felt like they were leading me for a change.

9 days to go.

Training notes:
Route: My house – Camp Street – – Buitengracht Street – Wale Street – My house
Distance: 5km


PT Session No. 23

Was supposed to be an easier hour this afternoon, but as I discovered, a ‘lighter’ session is not the same as an ‘easier’ session. One minute side plank with my feet on a bench, led to some creative collapses.

Training notes:
360 Training


Two weeks to go

Just need to tick over now and stay sane.

I’ve been having a look at the watch this morning wondering, calculating, guessing where I might be, how I might be feeling. I’ve also had a glance at the long range weather forecast. To be honest I don’t care what the weather does if I can get to the start line 100% healthy. After my last Comrades it could snow and I wouldn’t care. I said yesterday that particular Comrades outing was quite possibly the worst day of my entire life. When I’m asked why I would put myself through it again I can also say it was one of those rare great days when you emerge from a difficult experience a better person. That’s why we do it.

Running notes:
Route: Kloof Nek car park – Signal Hill – Kloof Nek car park
Distance: 7km



‘Comrades is not a race’

Said Paul at our club pre Comrades breakfast. He should know, he’s run 14 of them.

I tend to get a lump in my throat when I think about the dark part of the race, the last 20-25km when it ‘all goes black’, when there is nothing left and all you can do is hold on. Paul referred to this as ‘the bit where you don’t want to run anymore’ and in my experience the pain is so intense you’re only running because walking is worse. He also told us that what you do and how you approach this section after 70km is what makes this the day you’ll remember for the rest of your life. You can fight it, or you can embrace it. I know which one I’m going to choose.

Running notes:
Route: Hamiltons – Promenade – Swimming pool – Promenade – Hamiltons
Distance: 8km


So I worked out that I have just 30km to run before I line up in 16 days

I’ve got just over two weeks, but in running terms it feels like tomorrow.

I’m seeing reminders everywhere. Old Comrades t-shirts sported by other stupids out on the road, Durban on the news, Drummond is the surname of the copywriter I sit next to. And so on.

Every morning I wake up and think one day closer. Getting harder to keep the nerves in their box.

Running notes
Route: Gym
Distance: 4km


Time trial No.8

Pretty tight hammies after the PT session yesterday. Ran into a big cloud of flies by Rocklands Beach, I could actually feel them hitting my face. Disgusting. Something must have been very, very dead on the beach tonight.

Running notes:
Route: Wakame – turn around point – Wakame
Distance: 5km plus a 1km warm up
Time: 22:23


PT Session No.22

‘So are we doing the bleep test today?’, ‘Er no, I don’t think so’. Poor Justin looked crestfallen, but made it up by treating me to 24kg kettle bell repeats (again). I was also made to do some weird squat, bicep curl combo that would have made Miley Cyrus proud.

Training notes:
360 Training
